Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Do You Question the Power of the Sun

And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. Genesis 1:3

The sun is infinitely important to the health of our planet. Not only does it give us light to see in the daytime, but it's light also reflects from the moon and allows even our darkest hours illumination. Furthermore, the sun provides the heat energy to warm our planet and ultraviolet rays for energy production in plants (photosynthesis) and vitamin D production in our own bodies. Even on cloudy days we reap the benefits of the sun, though we cannot see it.

Which brings me to my point. We can all agree that the sun, at least for the time being, is quite constant. Relatively speaking, it's intensity does not change; It's brightness does not change; The amount of light it produces does not change. The sun's ability to create heat, light, and energy is always at 100%.
But it's effect on us and our planet is not. Variables affect the amount of light, heat, and energy we experience. A cloudy day; the shade of a tree; clothes; the seasons (axial tilting of the earth); even sunscreen all change the sun's power.

What's interesting is, the sun and our solar system have parallels to us and our bodies. Science now knows that at the sub-atomic level everything in the universe is simply energy. All material, whether that big ball of fire in the sky, or a cheeseburger, or your hand, at it's simplest, quantum level is the physical equivalent of a thought. The energy in all of these things (just like the sun) is relatively constant. It does not change, for if it did, it would become something else. What does change is the ability of that energy to be expressed and experienced.

Just like the sun, you have a constant energy in you. It's called your innate intelligence and just like the sun it has the ability to provide you with all the power, life, and energy you need. It was given to us when we were created and it is constantly with us until the end of our days. Innate intelligence exists is all living things and allows us to be built up in a universe that is slowly breaking down. It never varies in it's power- it is always 100%. What varies however, is it's expression. Just like the sun on a cloudy day, the power your innate intelligence can be veiled by limitations of your body. Your body has certain requirements for normal function. It needs adequate building blocks (nutrients), water, rest, and activity. It can be limited by toxins, traumas, or emotions. When your body does not get what it needs or gets too much of something it shouldn't (toxins, trauma, thought), your innate intelligence is limited and you break down. If your body is given what it needs, and negative trauma, toxins, and thoughts are minimal your innate intelligence will keep you built up- keep you healthy.

So, I ask you this. What can you do today to unveil the God given power of your innate intelligence?

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