Study shows that extracts from the Butterbur plant significantly more effective than anti-histamines.
A new study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology shows that the plant extract petasol butenoate complex Ze 339 (an extract from Butterbur)showed to be significantly more effective in reducing both the symptoms of allergic rhinitis (seasonal allergies) and the recovery time. In this double blind randomized crossover study, participants given the plant extract recovered in half the time of both the placebo group and those taking the traditional anti-histamine (desloratadine). Those taking the plant extract also reported less daily symptoms than those taking the anti-histamine.
The exciting aspects of this research however, goes far beyond the fact that butterbur extract can reduce allergy symptoms. Not only do these plant extracts help those who suffer from seasonal allergies by reducing their recovery time and symptoms, but it's how they did it that's important. Allergy symptoms happen because your body responds to something in the environment it deems harmful by increasing the production of mediators called histamine and leukotriene. These mediators kick your immune system into overdrive to fend off what it's identified as harmful. Most traditional anti-histamines work by blocking the histamine and leukotrienes at the receptor site, but this study showed that plant extracts work by inhibiting the biosynthesis of them all together. It's because of this mechanism that scientists are hopeful that these plant extracts can be much more effective in preventing allergy symptoms before they start.
From a wellness perspective there are a couple of issues to address. First, research is being done on these extracts for one reason: to develop a drug for those with seasonal allergies. There's nothing more that the pharmaceutical industry would love than another population of people in the United States taking a daily drug for preventative purposes. The great news however, is that Butterbur is already available in supplement and extract form at any local or on-line natural health retailer.
Second, seasonal allergies typically have a more significant underlying cause than the offending allergen. Most often allergy sufferers also suffer from a leaky gut that when healed, remedies the other outward symptoms of food and environmental allergies. Chiropractors have also cited a correlation between spinal subluxation (misalignment) and allergies. The point is, although butterbur and butterrbur extract is shown to be quite effective for reducing or even eliminating the allergy symptoms, the underlying cause remains, and one would be wise to get to the cause of any problem, especially allergies.
Petasol butenoate complex (Ze 339) relieves allergic rhinitis-induced nasal obstruction more effectively than desloratadine.Dumitru AF, Shamji M, Wagenmann M, Hindersin S, Scheckenbach K, Greve J, Klenzner T, Hess L, Nebel S, Zimmermann C, Zahner C, Schmidt-Weber CB, Chaker AM.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011 Apr 11. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 21489609 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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